I'm not one who tends to get involved in issues which might be considered 'political'. However, this somewhat tongue-in-cheek suggestion on Facebook (above) reminded me that I've actually been giving a good deal of thought to the middle-east situation, recently: and I have come to the conclusion that the so-called civilised world have been sitting on their hands for far too long.
Was nothing learned from the rise of the Nazis in the thirties?
The parallels are there to be seen and the scale of ISIS's mindless babarism seems to be becoming more audacious as each day passes. However, conventional air-stirkes don't seem to be having any meaningful effect and land-forces would be equally ineffective.
So, what are the alternatives?
Some have suggested nuclear weapons. However, such an option wouldn't be suitable for the region; although - and, make no mistake about this - if ISIS could lay their hands on them, they wouldn't hesitate to use them. So, for what it's worth, I would like to throw something into the melting-pot. Why not fight fire with fire and look into the possibility of carefully-controlled strikes using chemical weapons againt known ISIS strongholds?
Was nothing learned from the rise of the Nazis in the thirties?
The parallels are there to be seen and the scale of ISIS's mindless babarism seems to be becoming more audacious as each day passes. However, conventional air-stirkes don't seem to be having any meaningful effect and land-forces would be equally ineffective.
So, what are the alternatives?
Some have suggested nuclear weapons. However, such an option wouldn't be suitable for the region; although - and, make no mistake about this - if ISIS could lay their hands on them, they wouldn't hesitate to use them. So, for what it's worth, I would like to throw something into the melting-pot. Why not fight fire with fire and look into the possibility of carefully-controlled strikes using chemical weapons againt known ISIS strongholds?