I've just caught a fleeting glimpse of a headline saying (something like), "The old and the uneducated won the vote to leave the EU"; and, it's probably right. So, since it could be said that I belong to both of those categories, I feel entitled to suggest to the young and the educated bourgeoisie of this nation that it serves them right for ignoring (and, to some extent) disrespecting the opinions of those they probably consider to be beneath themselves. In fact, they would do well to realise that the reason the likes of Nigel Farage and Donald Trump are so popular, these days, is that they have had the sense to take on board (and, some would say, take advantage of) what a large part of the population are thinking - but what the the so-called intelligentsia are unable, or unwilling, to face up to because of their infatuation with political correctness.