Now that the fallout from the Gray/Keys controversy is settling down, it appears that, although their language has been cited as the cause for their fall from grace, the real reason for their downfall was their behaviour; and this got me thinking (as they say).
Evidently, the thuggish behaviour for which they are now being accused had gone on for years - and yet, until now, it seems nothing was done about it; which begs the question, "Why?"
Now, there could be several reasons for this. However, I suspect that one of them could be revealed by examining those who are involved in the affair - Sky TV. In other words, the media - who often seem more concerned with presentation than content. So, this might explain why what was presented to the public was the video evidence of inappropriate language; however, the content is more likely to have been their aforementioned behaviour. "Shimples" - as they say in Meerkat Harborough.
The question of why it took so long remains a mystery - for the time being - until, of course, the original 'Mole' makes another move. All very titilating - as Andy Gray may have said (allegedly).