It occurs to me that it's quite a while since I composed a blog in the Rambling section.
One reason for this is that I broke an ankle a few months ago; so, walking hasn't been on my agenda for some time; and another reason is that we've moved into a new home; and that procedure has been quite a lengthy and time-consuming one (as described here).
A futher factor is one I've visited in the past; and that was the increasing influence mountain bikers were having on the quality of life where we used to live in The Surrey Hills; and, in paticular the damage they were causing to animal tracks; not to mention the risk they posed to walkers.
One reason for this is that I broke an ankle a few months ago; so, walking hasn't been on my agenda for some time; and another reason is that we've moved into a new home; and that procedure has been quite a lengthy and time-consuming one (as described here).
A futher factor is one I've visited in the past; and that was the increasing influence mountain bikers were having on the quality of life where we used to live in The Surrey Hills; and, in paticular the damage they were causing to animal tracks; not to mention the risk they posed to walkers.
Where we have moved to is very different from where we used to live (above left).
Although it claims to be a village, our new surroundings are a long way from my idea of a village (Sainsburys, M & S, and Co-op supemarkets, W.H.Smiths, Boots, three banks, and heaven-knows how many charity shops, for example). It does, however, have a network of well-maintained (above centre) and - so far as I could tell - cycle-free footpaths.
Imagine my dismay, therefore, to discover cycle-tracks (above right) on common ground not far from the village-centre and within yards of a tarmacadamed road; and, during the same walk, I saw a group of lycra-clad yuppies blatantly cycling the wrong-way along a one-way section of road and another goup completely ignoring a red light on a pedestrian-crossing.
What is it about (some) cyclists who seem to think they are above the law?