This post was made on the 10/11/2008 and put in the wrong section.
Earlier this year - before this blog came into existence - my sister and I were obliged to spend some time in north Wales attending to issues arising from the sudden decline in health of an elderly maiden aunt. Fortunately, my sister's background is in nursing and care for the elderly and we managed to find a very nice Care Home in the area.
In the meantime, our aunt's house was put on the market and, luckily - in the light of the recent financial climate, it has been sold and I drove up to Wales on Tuesday to tie up one or two loose ends with the solicitor and to make sure everything had been removed from the property.
In many ways, it was a bit of a busman's holiday. However, during the drive home on Wednesday, in what must be considered something of an acheivement in this day and age, I managed to complete the journey without using a single motorway and also visited an old army friend.