For the first time in a little over a year, I ventured onto a golf course, yesterday.
Putting aside the fact that I played reasonably well, what prompted me to write this blog was the fact that, when I arrived at the nineteenth hole, there was a group of golfers who seemed to be coming to the end of a joke-telling session - and I was reminded of one of my favourite golfing stories (taken from the Humour section).
Two really old men decided they would go out and try to play a round of golf together.
As they arrived on the first tee, one says to the other, "My eyesight isn't what it used to be. Can you watch my ball for me?".
"No problem." the second man said. "I can see quite well. Go ahead and hit. "
So the first old man steps up to his ball and hits a lovely drive.
He turns to his buddy and says, "Did you see it?".
"Sure!", says his buddy.
"Where did it go?", the first man asks.
The second old man thinks for a minute and says, "I can't remember. "