Many years ago, whilst experimenting with my first computer, I produced several copies of a certificate which I used to give to - or, sometimes throw at - motorists who had demonstrated an element of stupidity which was sufficient to make them 'stand out from the crowd'.
The wording on the certificate recounted a legend about General Gordon of Khartoun, who, in an attempt to quell the disturbances in the Sudan during the late nineteenth century, tried to persuade Queen Victoria to create a new order which could be bestowed on some of Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahdi's followers - most of whom were the illegitimate sons of pox-ridden harlots and camel drivers and, in reality, somewhat beneath the contempt of a fine upstanding commander of The British Army.
I'm toying with the idea of re-introducing the order and, through this blog and, when appropriate, singling out individual drivers or groups of drivers whom I consider to be worthy of the title - which, by the way, is Companion of the Upper Nile Territory.