When I was introduced to Twitter, Stephen Fry was the first person I 'followed'. He's an interesting character and an ideal example of what Twitter is all about. In other words, he's a celebrity who lives an exciting life which is interesting to his many fans; unlike, for example, an ordinary Joe Bloggs who has delusions that the world and his wife are gagging to know his every move - including seeing photos of each meal. Pathetic!
Anyway, returning to the sainted Mr. Fry, there are times when he could be accused of using his fame in a manner which might be considered open to question. For instance, there have been occasions when he tweeted about goods which failed to come up to his expectations - knowing full well, IMHO, that he will be offered free replacements. This, almost certainly, wouldn't happen to Joe Bloggs; however, bearing in mind Mr. Fry already makes a pretty penny (and several freebies, I dare say) from endorsing various products on TV, I find this behaviour distasteful.
Now, having got that off my chest, the real purpose of this blog is to make my own, rather more humble, effort to endorse a company who have shown me exceptionally good customer service, recently. I refer to Wahl - a company who were very helpful in replacing an insignificant (but important to me) attachment for a beard-trimmer I've used over the past ten - or so - years. It was such a pleasant change from the usual, "Oh, you'll have to buy a complete new razor" nonsense I've encountered in the past.